Kiss Before The Slaughter

Proof Of Concept

Bradley - a clever counter-culture Chemistry drop-out -- gets a call from his lost-love Raquel, a charming punk-rock Latina misfit with a biting sense of humor. She's dying and needs a lung transplant. Since she's strapped for cash, her last resort is a black-market surgery in a shady Mexican hospital. Bradley is still passionately in love with her, despite their troubled past addicted to crystal meth. So he agrees to shepherd her through, while fighting to win back her affections.

But as they brave the junkyards and desert ghost towns of the lawless Mexican borderlands, they discover the organization smuggles illegal immigrants into the US - where they won’t be missed - butchers the unsuspecting "donors" and harvests their organs. Now Raquel wants out. Bradley would sacrifice everything for her, but she asks him to let her die, and save these complete strangers. With the organization pitted against them, the choice falls in Bradley's hands. His anarchist ingenuity and drugs will decide their fate in an epic standoff.

The only thing harder than saving her life is saying goodbye.

"Kiss before the Slaughter" is a gritty action-thriller, following the descent of the love-struck anti-heroes into a world of organ-trafficking, drugs, sex and violence, with a twisted romance at the heart. -

TECHNICAL SPECS: Moviecam Super America MKII and ARRI 2C 2-Perf 35mm film cameras with Zeiss Super Speed MK3 primes

AWARDS: Winner of Best of Fest at the International Trailer Festival 2011, Blood List 2010

Project Details

DIRECTOR : John Elfers
PROD : Fire Trial Films
RELEASE : 2010